Well just today morning I was reading in the college library a basic book that was, if I am correct, a 11th grade physics book. The first topic was unsurprisingly about the 'States of Matter' and some student, in the past, had written in the margin a small but interesting question; which I admit I dismissed. But later in further reading the question came back to hunt me :)
Now back to the interesting question :
"Why do transparent objects, like glasses, have shadows?"
After dusting through various books i found this accurate description of shadow :
"Shadow, a dark area within or next to an illuminated one. Shadows are caused by the blocking of light by an object...."
Finally after almost 2 hrs I found the answer that is hopefully accurate :
In general, if any body or object is sheded with some light on it. It is observed that some of the light passes through the body, while others are reflected off it, the rest is absorbed by it. In the Transparent materials, the intensity of incident light passing through the body portion in most cases is much larger than the intensity of the reflected and absorbed, but this is highly dependent on the angle of incidence of light. Therefore, edges, curved parts of the incident light passing through the body portion varies from place to place. Hence the transparent bodies do allow light to pass but the shadow created is essentially of the wind and dust particles, which is seen as darker spots.
Do excuse any grammatical mistakes. And if there is any mistake please do comment. This is my first time of writing the blog and I intend to update it a frequently as possible with more such curious questions that arose in my mind.