10-12 October 2012
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
The 9th workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic will bring together researchers working on mathematical foundations of quantum physics, quantum computing and spatio-temporal causal structures, and in particular those that use logical tools, ordered algebraic and category-theoretic structures, formal languages, semantical methods and other computer science techniques for the study of physical behavior in general.
There will be full programme of contributed talks, and invited lectures from:
- Stefaan Caenepeel (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- Jens Eisert (Frei Universität Berlin) [TBC]
- Serge Massar (Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Paul-André Melliès (Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7)
Ross Duncan
- Email : rduncan [at] ulb.ac.be
- Telephone : +32 2 650 5512
QUANTUM SQUARE : Student Conference on mathematical and theoretical aspects of Quantum Mechanics
November 7-9 2012
School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Due to the complexity of the field, quantum mechanics now forms an umbrella for many subdivisions, including the study of quantum information, quantum gravity and quantum disordered systems which will be the main points of focus for this conference. With the extreme specialization that many students undertake during our postgraduate years, even closely related subject areas can appear quite distant.
This postgraduate student conference aims to narrow the gaps and chip away at the boundaries by providing a medium for students to be exposed not only to others within their direct specialization but also to those situated next door. We hope that this may help germinate the seeds of future collaborations and spark interest in areas which students may not previously have been exposed to.