- CWI cryptanalyst discovers new cryptographic attack variant in Flame spy malware. A new varient of chosen prefix collision attack. Article here.
- Evidence of an unexpected particle E(38)-boson found. A clear explaination along with papers here. Though I am bit skeptical about this claim. For more check the articles by Chris Austin, Tommaso Dorigo and PhysicsStack. EDIT : The articles also have comments from the authors of the people who are associated with the discover(?) of the new particle.
- Secret leak from Israel revels plans to strik Iran. The use of technology, if the document is to be believed, would be perhaps first of its type in world history. For more check here
- Peter Shor answers as to 'Why do people categorically dismiss some simple quantum models?'
- Simple proof QM implies many worlds don't exist
- Nice essay. Dark Energy or a Simple Mistake: Do We Understand How Non-Unique the Einstein Tensor Actually Is? by Jeff Baugher for the FQXi Community Essay Competition.
- Quantum Simulation of Tunneling in Small Systems
- Dr. Keith Devlin, mathematician at Stanford University, who would be teaching online course Introduction to Mathematical Thinking has been blogging his experience here