Recently read an extremely interesting post here by Markus Baden introduced to me the wonderful tool called Quantum Optics Toolbox in Python aka qutip. Developed by Robert Johansson and Paul Nation. It is truly the most marvelous tool, granted I just started to use it. The best thing is that one of the developer Robert Johansson has recently posted lecture notes for qutip. These notes contains ready to execute code which user can directly start playing with. Here are the notes in html format :
- Lecture 1 Jaynes Cumming model
- Lecture 2A Cavity Qubit Gates
- Lecture 2B Single Atom Lasing
- Lecture 3A Dicke model
- Lecture 3B Jaynes Cumming model with ultrastrong coupling
- Lecture 4 Correlation Functions
- Lecture 5 Parametric Amplifier
- Lecture 6 Quantum Monte Carlo Trajectories
while the PDF of these are available on the github.
I am only disappointed that the latest version 2x and above wont be supporting windows officially. Times like this make me happy that I am comfortable with Linux, though I still wish Mac prizes would drop down...