It is possible to manipulate the data and bibliometric indicators offered by Google product. Researchers from University of Granadas conducted experiment in which they created fake researcher and posted fake papers to inflate citation counts for the paper. Manipulating Google Scholar Citations and Google Scholar Metrics: simple, easy and tempting On the...
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Lectures and Talks
This weekend, I finally got around to listen to these talks that I had marked down. All of those that I have mentioned below are worth listening, even if there are old videos. All the videos are hosted at Perimeter Institute. Large Extra Dimensions - ISSYP Keynote Session Speaker: Sabine Hossenfelder...
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Particle Physics Booklet
Package from CERN arrived today with my copy of Particle Physics Booklet. I had completely forgotten that I had ordered it. Just as with Review of Particle Physics, it was well packed (though in this case over packed would be correct term to use) but surprisingly it was delivered to me via...
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Decoy: LHC Horror Film
Finally finished watching the movie Decoy produced by group of physics PhD students of LHC and without a doubt I loved it. For a independent film it looks very much professional and from scientific point of view; way much better than other so-called science films. A must watch film. For more...
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Lev Landau's “Theoretical Minimum” [UPDATED]
Check here for posts containing reference materials and notes for Theoretical Minimum The great Soviet physicist Lev Landau developed a famous entry exam to test his students. This "Theoretical Minimum" contained everything of what he considered elementary for a young theoretical physicist. Despite its name, it was and still is, extremely rigorous and comprehensive. Nowadays students are examined by...
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