QCAD: Quantum circuit emulator QCAD is a {surprisingly!} windows-based environment for quantum computing simulation which helps designing circuits and simulating them. Developed by Hiroshi Watanabe Masaru Suzuki and Junnosuke Yamazaki at University of Tokoyo and Nagoya University. Extremely useful tool for designing Quantum circuits using graphical user interface (GUI). The designed cricuits can...
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Awesome Python Libraries
This is extension of this post by David Cerezo Sanchez where he posted the following useful Python libraries : SymPy, a Python library for symbolic mathematics Pattern, web mining module for Python NLTK, natural language processing with Python Scapy, interactive packet manipulation program Bitey and llvm-py, to import and modify LLVM bytecode...
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Quantum Systems in Python
Recently read an extremely interesting post here by Markus Baden introduced to me the wonderful tool called Quantum Optics Toolbox in Python aka qutip. Developed by Robert Johansson and Paul Nation. It is truly the most marvelous tool, granted I just started to use it. The best thing is that one of the developer Robert Johansson has recently posted lecture...
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Finally! "Review of Particle Physics" arrived!
Today, I finally got my copy of Review of Particle Physics from PDG (Particle Data Group). Though the copy has its covers teared off a bit from its spine...though I would blame that on postal service; wont be the first time that happened! [gallery] Now I am just waiting for Pocket...
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Nobel Peace Prize : EU?!
Nobel Prize week is finally over. With the Nobel Prize for Physics being shared between Serge Haroche and David Wineland for establishing measuring and manipulation methods of Quantum systems. Though I regret that perhaps I should have made a bet with my Professor who stated the prize would go to Higgs or...
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